November 8, 2023
Accelerate Your Retail Projects w/ SiteRise's RFI and Change Order Tool
Stop managing RFIs and Change Orders like a dinosaur, upgrade to SiteRise today.

Retail construction projects are inherently complex, and managing all the moving parts from design to doors open can be challenging. Two critical aspects of construction management are getting RFIs (Requests for Information) quickly and resolving Change Orders efficiently. With the SiteRise's new RFI and Change Order Tool, you can streamline these processes and keep your construction project on track and on budget.

Root Cause and Trend Analysis

With the SiteRise RFI and Change Order Tool, you can identify the root cause of the issues and track them over time to improve project management. As each RFI or Change Order comes in, you can assign them to specific categories and subcategories. Over time, SiteRise will gather data on these categories and help you identify the common causes of RFIs and change orders. Armed with this data, you can refine your processes over time to minimize the number of RFIs and change orders you receive, saving time and money on your project.

Specific Categorization

The SiteRise RFI and Change Order Tool gives you the ability to categorize RFIs and change orders in granular detail. You can create your own categories, or use SiteRise's suggested categories and subcategories. Each category can have custom approval workflows, so you can ensure that RFIs and change orders are routed to the right team members for review and approval. With specific categorization, you can easily find and filter RFIs and change orders by their type, location, priority, status, and more. This helps you quickly identify and prioritize issues that need attention across all your retail projects.

Automatic Approval Routing

Approval workflows are often complicated and time-consuming. With the SiteRise RFI and Change Order Tool, you can create custom approval workflows for each category. Each workflow can route RFIs and change orders to the appropriate team members based on the category, location, priority, status, or any customized criteria. This ensures that RFIs and change orders are automatically routed to the right team members for review and approval. With automatic approval routing, you can save time and reduce errors caused by manual routing.

Ready to get started?

The SiteRise team is ready to help your team take your retail projects to the next level.