SiteRise Feature Spotlight: File Preview
With file preview, you can quickly view a wide variety of files for every type of deliverable without having to download them. PNGs, PDFs, JPEGs, and even DWG files are all viewed with ease right in app.

Save time and your sanity w/ SiteRise File Preview

Does your desktop look like a mine field? Can never find the right files for the right project? We feel your pain! With SiteRise File Preview, you can quickly view a wide variety of files for every type of deliverable without having to download them. PNGs, PDFs, JPEGs, and even DWG files are all viewed with ease right in app with a click of the mouse.

Files and documents are stored at the deliverable level along with which team member uploaded them so you always have a reference point on every document.

How Does File Preview Work?

Simply click on the eye icon next to any file and the preview module will pop up allowing you to view all the pages and zoom in and out. It's like having a mini version of AutoDesk or Adobe Acrobat built right into your project management tool.

Current document types supported:

  • DWG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • SVG
  • PDF
  • DOC
  • DOCX
  • XLS
  • XLSX

Version Control

As part of File Preview, SiteRise version control is also built in to ensure you are looking at the proper file every time. This helps reduce errors and increase efficiency on every project deliverable. On each document you can easily see the current version number and when it was uploaded. To view the full document history, just click on the plus icon.

Increased Efficiency + Security

Additionally, File Preview improves collaboration and enhances security. You can share files with team members and stakeholders without having to worry about whether or not they have the right software to view them. When you download a file, you're creating a copy of it that can be lost or stolen. With File Preview, you're viewing the file in a secure environment, reducing the risk of data breaches.

Ready to get started?

The SiteRise team is ready to help your team take your retail projects to the next level.